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This is a well detailed tin lithographed, toy space capsule made about the time of the Mercury program (about 1964). Made in Japan by TM (Masudaya), 13 inches long.

Gemini was the logical continuation to Mercury. It received formal approval from NASA in December, 1961. The first two man mission was in March of 1965. Two men would handle the spacecraft and attempt new projects such as joining two spacecraft together, simulating repairs outside the craft and trying out new scientific instruments. The new, larger capsule was designed to be controlled by a pilot. The launch rocket was the now reliable Titan II. Thirty pilots in total were trained for the program. It was during the Gemini program that the first astronauts died. Elliot See and Charles Bassett, the original crew of Gemini 9 were killed when their training jet crashed. Aside from the death of a crew, Gemini flights ran effortlessly and the program was a success. There were fewer souvenirs from this period of space exploration than during the Mercury years. The items that have survived are more difficult to locate.

After John F. Kennedy was assasinated, Cape Canaveral was renamed Kennedy Space Center.

America's first space walk took place in June 1965 when Ed White left the capsule and took photos
outside the capsule. He had trouble getting back inside since his suit expanded.

A very rare pennant for the White - McDivitt space walk aboard Gemini 4.

Two highlights of the Gemini program were the first U.S. space walk (Gemini 4, June 3, 1965 - this was also the first flight where the astronauts were permitted to wear the American flag patch on their suits), Gemini 5 (August 21, 1965) where the first mission patches were permitted to be worn and the linkup of two spacecraft (Gemini 8, March 16, 1966). Even with the successes in Gemini, it seemed that the Soviet space program was always a step ahead of us. The Soviets first space walk was by Aleksei Leonov flying with Pavel Belyayev aboard Voskhod 2 on March 18-19, 1965. The Soviets had brought two spacecraft within 3 miles of each other back in August of 1962. They put a woman, Valentina Tereshkova, in space in June, 1963 and then put three men in one capsule (October, 1964) well before the end of the Gemini program.

Voskhod I with three cosmonauts aboard in October 1964.
Voskhod II - First cosmonaut to walk in space.
Aleksei Leonov- First cosmonaut to walk in space aboard Voskhod II.

A lapel pin from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The Baikonur Cosmodrome was the Cape Kennedy of the Soviet Union and aother Soviet space pin.

The New Saturn V is introduced

Name Date     Event     Country
Gemini 3

Gemini 4 

Gemini 5

Gemini 6

Gemini 7

Diamant A

Luna 9

Gemini 8

Surveyor 1

Gemini 9

Gemini 10

Gemini 11

Mar 23, 1965

Jun. 3, 1965

Aug. 21, 1965

Dec. 15, 1965

Dec. 4, 1965

Dec. 6, 1965

J an. 31, 1966

Mar. 16, 1966

May 30, 1966

Jun. 3, 1966

Sep. 12, 1966

Jul. 18, 1966

1st U.S. two man mission - Grissom-Young

1st U.S. space walk - White-McDivitt


Schirra-Stafford - meet w/ Gemini 7

Borman-Lovell - meet w/ Gemini 6 

France launches first satellite

Vehicle landed on moon & 1st photos of lunar surface

Armstrong-Scott - 1st docking in Space

1st U.S. photos of lunar surface

Stafford-Cernan - meet w/Agena

Conrad-Gordon - Link w/Agena

Lovell-Aldrin - Final Gemini mission














Welcome to the era of Apollo

Three men to a capsule and preparation for landing men on the moon and returning them to Earth.

A ca. 1967 Apollo spacecraft made of lithographed tin and plastic. The tail and nose come light and the radar on the top of the capsule turns as the capsule moves along on the floor in a typical bump-and-go action. Made in Japan by Alps, 9 inches long.

Apollo 8 was the first flight to orbit the moon and show "Earthrise".

The moon landing overshadows the Ted Kennedy accident at Chappaquiddick, Massachusetts.

The attention of the entire world was on Apollo 11 - the flight to land a man on the moon. Television covered the flight from start to finish. Everyone who could, found a television set to watch the launch on July 16, 1969. People stayed glued to their television sets for the next four days. On July 20, 1969, with almost every person on Earth listening to a radio or watching a television, Apollo 11’s Lunar Lander with two men aboard landed on the surface of the moon. “The Eagle has landed” were the first words heard from the moon. Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon and as he stepped from his ship, he said, “That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind”. Buzz Aldrin then joined Armstrong on the surface, Armstrong took some photographs of Aldrin and the two spent the next two hours playing and working on the moon. The event was incredible and the technology allowed the World to watch it live on television. The astronauts did not carry umbrellas and did not find moonmen running about. They confirmed that the moon was not made of cheese. This flight generated the items that most space collectors desire. What collector wouldn’t walk a mile on sharp moon rocks to own a speck of actual moon dust, an autographed photo of the 3 astronauts, a photograph of Buzz Aldrin by Neil Armstrong or an actual piece of their space gear. These are more than collector items, they are relics of the culmination of thousands of years of wondering about the moon.

This chart can be used to help date the different space items that may be found.

Name Date Event Country

Apollo 1


Apollo 7

Apollo 8

Apollo 9

Apollo 10

Apollo 11

Jan. 27, 1967

Apr. 23, 1967

Oct. 11, 1968

Dec. 21, 1968

Mar. 3, 1969

May 18, 1969

July 16-24, 1969

Fire kills Grissom-White-Chaffee

Kamorov killed while landing

1st three man mission - Eisele-Schirra-Cunningham

1st orbit of moon - Borman-Lovell-Anders



1st men to the moon - Aldrin-Armstrong-Collins









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