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Page Five
The Museum of Abraham Lincoln Photographs, Miniature Paintings, and More
A rare Abraham Lincoln for President ambrotype. This was produced in 1860 by George Clark Jr. of Boston Massachusetts using the Brady Cooper Union image. From information on the Internet, there are less than 15 examples of this piece know to exist today.
I bought one in auction over 20 years ago and the dealer packed it so poorly that it arrived with a crack running through the glass image. It was insured and the post office paid me back my money. I believe that the dealer broke it and then packed it poorly so it would look like the post office broke it. After calling the post office to find out if I could buy it back, I was advised that it would be put into an auction (location and date unknown) and if I attended the auction, I could bid on it. I wanted one of these for my collection, but managed to miss out on several. I finally got this one and I thank Glen for making it available to me. Size is about 2.6 inches by 2.2 inches.
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A suberb ninth plate ambrotype of Lincoln with tinted cheeks in 1860 when he ran for President.
A rare, early 1865 Currier & Ives lithograph of all the Presidents from Washington to Lincoln. The odd thing about the print is that Lincoln is beardless and it lists his Presidency as 1861-1869. This means that it was printed afer Lincoln was re-elected in 1864, but before he was assassinated in 1865. Why they chose to show a beardless Lincoln is still a mystery. |
1860 Lincoln Wide Awake parade torch. The Wide Awakes were a social group that held events in support of Lincoln for President. They wore uniforms, sang patriotic songs, marched in parades carrying torch lights and put on fireworks shows. |
1860 Lincoln Wide Awake images. The Wide Awakes wore uniforms (the capes were to protect their clothes from dripping oil from the torch lights and gave them a military-like look) and they marched in parades carrying torch lights. |
President-elect Abraham Lincoln raising the flag in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia in honor of admission of Kansas to the Union, February 22, 1861. Frederick De Bourg Richards claimed to be the photographer. There are 3 known views of this event. Albumen photo on orig'l titled mount issued by T. S. Hacker of Philadelphia in 1865. Hacker may have actually taken the photograph. |
A close-up of the above photo showing Lincoln looking left and down and to his left and below, Tad Lincoln. In restudying this photo, I think Lincoln is the tallest fellow, looking towards the camera, and about an inch to the left. |
Frederick De Bourg Richards claimed to be the photographer.
I find it fascinating that numerous artists have painted Lincoln and when they have tried to use an original approach (as opposed to trying to paint directly from a photograph), they have all come up with a different look for Lincoln. Each painting is easily identified as Lincoln, but each image is unique.
A small oil painting on ivory of Abraham Lincoln done in 1865. Lincoln was a favorite subject for these paintings on ivory. They are very hard to find now. This was painted by Peter Kramer.
Another small oil on ivory of Abraham Lincoln by DiHale. It is 3.25 inches tall.
A small (3.5 inches tall) painting by T. Hicks of Abraham Lincoln. This is the Thomas Hicks (1823-1890) whose cousin, Edward Hicks, painted "The Peaceable Kingdom" which were so popular in the mid-1800s. Thomas trained in Edward's sign and coach painting shop c. 1836-38. Thomas Hicks was also known for his portraits, many of which depicted celebrities, including Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Charles Dickens.
Another small oil on ivory of Lincoln in a bone and satinwood frame. The painting is 3.25 inches tall.
Another small oil on ivory. The painting is 3.5 inches tall.
A cabinet card (1880s) photo of an ambrotype of Lincoln taken by T.P. Pearson on August 26, 1858 in Macomb, Illinois. |
A large salt print (1850-1860) photo of Hannibal Hamlin, Lincoln's first vice-president, probably taken about 1859. |
A pair of rare Kellogg hand-colored prints of a standing Lincoln. The earlier print had Lincoln
beardless. To make the print more saleable, now that Lincoln had a beard, Kellogg had his lithographer add a beard.