Coverage of the Annual Flashlight Conventions.

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The 11th annual 2008 Flashlight Collector's Convention was held in Ohio in September.

The 9th Annual Flashlight Convention was held in 2006

The 8th Annual Flashlight Collector's Convention was held in Santa Ana, California, on May 13th & 14th, 2005.

The 9th Annual Flashlight Collector's Convention was held in Cleveland, Ohio on May 18 through May 21, 2006. Some of the highlights were that we were given a tour of the Energizer Research Laboratories in Westlake, Ohio and then put on an exhibit and sale at the facilities for the employees. This facility employs 400 people involved in flashlight and battery research and design. We were shown the flashlights of the future that were expected to be out in the market in the coming years. We also got to build our own flashlight and then shop in the Energizer store.

The actual show was held in the Holiday Inn and there were tables of items for sale, several with collectors displaying portions of their collections. Reported great purchases by collectors were a 1908 silver pocket light with a victorian nude on the case, a 1946 combination fishing rod/flashlight, a 1950 hunting knife with a flashlight in the handle, a dozen 1930s Eveready flashlights that were mint with their original labels still in place, a 1940s patent model of a fishing rod/flashlight combination fom Oklahoma with the original designer's notes, newspaper articles, patent sheet and all contained in a wooden box with the designer's name, unusual lanterns, Winchester flashlights, strange 1940 Evereadys that looked European but had their original American box, early stickpin lights, early Ever Ready wooden candle lights, and a 1913 English Ever Ready ring catch 4 D cell tubular light.

Bill Utley autographed and sold his book, "Flashlights". Stuart Schneider autographed and sold his book, "Collecting Flashlights".

Our group publishes a newsletter 4 times a year. Prior conventions have been held in Ohio, Tulsa, OK; St. Louis, MO; Denver, CO; Bolingbrook, IL; California, and Reading, PA.

For information please call, write or email Stuart Schneider at 820 Kinderkamack Road, River Edge, NJ 07661, 201-599-4250 (days), email: stuart@ (note, there is a space in the email address to thwart collector robots)

Views of the 2002 show in New Jersey

The 2002 5th Annual Flashlight Collector's Show: Collectors brought hundreds of great lights to sell. One very happy collector bought a 1900 Eveready Stick Pin Light and I got a 1900 Eveready Wood Bicycle Light (in Recent Acquisitions) to name but a few of the incredibly rare pieces that traded hands.

There were displays of flashlights showing some rare and beautiful pieces including my collection of early figural Stick Pin lights, three members brought 1903 Eveready Glove catch lights, one brought a 1904 Reliable tubular light (I still need to find one for my collection), and one brought his collection of Winchester flashlights.

We had 25 tables packed with flashlights. Collectors came from Colorado, California, Michigan, Illinois, and all up and down the east coast. Flashlights for door prizes and gifts to attendees were provided by:

Mag Light (the light choice for Police and Firemen)

StreamLight (high quality lights)

Tektite (maker of the finest LED lights)

Eveready Energizer (brought a group of new lights)

Lights4raves (seller of LED lights).

Bill Utley autographed his book, "Flashlights" that has history and hundreds of great photographs. This book is an amazing work covering the first 100 years of Eveready and most of the earliest flashlight companies. In addition to Stuart Schneider’s book, "Collecting Flashlights", you must own this book if you are a collector of flashlights.

The public came and brought flashlights to sell. The show was held at The Lincoln Plaza Hotel in Reading, PA. The Lincoln Plaza is a beautiful & elegant hotel. The convention coincided with Renniger's Antiques Extravaganza in Kutztown, 15 miles away, with over 800 Antique dealers outdoors. There were another 2,000 antiques dealers indoors and outside in Adamstown, also 15 miles away, and hundreds more in nearby malls. The area is the antiques center of the eastern US with thousands of dealers. Everybody found some good flashlights in the area.

To get on the mailing list for next year's show, write or email me with your name and address. Stuart Schneider, 820 Kinderkamack Road, River Edge, NJ 07661

Flashlight History, page 1

Sterling Silver Lights, page 2

Art Deco Purse Lights, page 3

Tin Lithographed Lights, page 4

Flippo Cartoon and Personality Lights, page 5

Interesting Flashlights, page 6

More Interesting & Unusual Flashlights, page 7a

Recent Acquisitions, page 8

Flashlights For Sale, page 9

Flashlights For Sale, page 10

Flashlights For Sale, page 11

Flashlights For Sale, page 12

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Copyright 2005 through 2025 by Stuart Schneider. Do not use any parts of these pages without written permission.