by Stuart Schneider
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Send payment to: Stuart Schneider, 820 Kinderkamack Road, River Edge, NJ 07661. I accept Paypal, but prefer checks or money orders.

Contact me at stuarts1031@

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Halloween Museum

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 Halloween In America

Halloween In America, now in its revised and expanded 2nd edition is the best selling and most complete book on the holiday. It includes a history of the holiday, trick or treating, Halloween symbols, etc. Halloween is America's favorite holiday and has become a 2 billion dollar a year industry. The book contains over 900 color photos of Halloween items, such as Jack-O-Lanterns, Candy Containers, Costumes, Party Goods, Decorations, Post Cards and more all made between 1890 and 1960. Includes a valuation guide. Softcover large format, regular price $29.95, my price $25.00
Halloween Costumes

Halloween Costumes & Other Treats is a book of Halloween costumes from the turn of the century to the near present. All your favorite characters from the cartoons, television shows, the movies and other Halloween designs. Written with Bruce Zalkin, a noted Pop culture collector and dealer with a collection of over 1200 costumes, this book will be a real treat to enjoy. The book will also include candy containers, paper items, lanterns and other Halloween treats. Over 500 photographs in full color along with a value guide. Regular price $29.95, my price $25.00
 Collecting Abe Lincoln

Collecting Lincoln is a 950 color photograph book that is unlike anything written before it. Lincoln Photographs, Political Items, Prints, Paintings, Tokens, Medals, Relics From The President's Life, Mary Lincoln items, John Wilkes Booth items, Sculpture, Autographs, Philatelic Items, Mourning Pieces, Books, Centennial Items, and more. Includes a resource and valuation guide. Hardcover large format, regular price $69.95, my price $62.00
 Cigarette Lighters

Cigarette Lighters is a large size hardcover book with over 600 color photographs. It is recommended by the Cigarette Lighter collecting clubs. Includes a resource and valuation guide. Hardcover, regular price $39.95, my price $35.00

Handbook of Lighters

 The Handbook of Vintage Cigarette Lighters is the best softcover field guide with over 650 color photographs. It illustrates different lighters from those in the book Cigarette Lighters. Written with Ira Pilossof, president of Vintage Lighters. Includes a valuation guide. Softcover, regular price $19.95, my price $18.50
Golden Age of Lighters
 The Golden Age Of Cigarette Lighters our newest coffee-table book, shows over1000 lighters in color photographs. This is the most complete book on Cigarette Lighters. Great examples of Zippos, Dunhills, Cartiers, Scriptos, and loads of the rarest lighters that exist. Written with Ira Pilossof, president of Vintage Lighters. Includes a valuation guide. Hardcover, regular price $49.95, my price $41.00

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